The intrinsic worth of higher education
Increased knowledge is an inherent Good. We contribute to research and teaching in universities and colleges around the world, across the UK, and in firms that are pulling the planet forward through innovation. We consider that diversity is a Good in this regard, and central to success in an increasingly small world.
The importance of standards
Standards are central to all value propositions in a free and fully-functioning economy, and this directly concerns higher education. We consider one of our primary roles to be the maintenance of academic standards that safeguard the value proposition our students have acquired through our educational programs.
The entitlements of students
We consider that our students deserve the highest quality learning experience, and have a right to excellent learning opportunities that result in qualifications that both meets and exceed “normal” expectations. We value students as our partners in quality assurance: they are experts with regard to their learning experience and issues of internal governance. We will seek to harness that expertise in all aspects of our work.
The importance of equality and diversity
We promote equality and diversity in all our services. All aspects of our work are supportive, fair, just and free from discrimination. We will strive to value the diverse contributions of all our staff, students and partners, and promote the sharing of good practice on these important issues.